Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My random thoughts about gaming as of right now.

So first off I apologies for the first time I started to blog but I disconnected it. I would like to say that it was "buyer remorse" and I wash not happy with the way it came out. In starting there are two reason I'm doing this. Also I know that you spell facts different but it was taken and I thought that fax's had a ring to it. First, to improve my typing and writing skills. I am very out of touch with both of them . Second , I feel I can put a funny twist to the daily life of gaming with friends and the odd and interesting people you game with and against. Ive decided that my first blog is going to be a list of random thoughts I have in regards of people and experiences I have online. There is no real order to the list. I'm just going to think and type. Later blogs I'm sure will detail matches and of course the soon to be famous " If I could meet them in real life I would knock their teeth in list" of all gamers that lack social, ethic, common sense, vocabulary and pure honest gaming skills. Also another note, from time to time Hester Hater will do some typing for me since as some of you know I have hands of a 90 year old.

List of random thoughts of my gaming world

1- Cursing is healthy. it is OK to shout and curs. People do it all the time. Hey, everyone knows I should have soap put in my mouth after playing online matches in Gears of War 2 but remember don't fire it back at someone unless they do first to you.

2- This a fact. The real reason That Evil Ric and TacticalShino do so well in Modern Warfare 2 is because of me. I am the guy who takes out all the UAV's and most of the copters and air support ( with some noted assistants from Pengwenn ). Just think , if I didn't take them out the other team would spot them each time. Think of me as the supporting actor on this award.

3- Jack Wraith is correct on USMC Wolf in regards to rpg's and games. I give props to him on how fast and quick he gets his achievements and finishes a game. Now Jack , on AOS Pyro eating Man chowder?

4- No- Genghis Khan 70 is not dead. I am going to give you 3 choices to choose from and you can guess which is right. 1- He is making adult porn movies in the LA region starting 75 to 80 year old woman called "Young love" and " Very OLD Brokeback mountain" . 2- His real gamer tag is Pogue Moran. He is doing a experiment where he has one gamer tag that everyone likes and another that gives you a splitting headache every time you play with them. 3- Well, he gave his Xbox to his kids and until he gets a stable living location he'll be offline. Take your pick. I know C5ride will pick number 1.

5-In the upcoming months you are going to see starting with Activision on there new Tiger Woods 11 edition to start a monthly charge to there games. This is a fact that it will happen iin the future. Will they increase or make the experience better? No , it will be just like now with once every so often new stuff coming out. What can you do? Don't support the company's like Activision. Yes , I understand that they need to make money but when designers of games like Cliffy B. talks about his Ferrari and all the over budget trade shows, that money could go back to the people that work to design it. it sadden me that this last few years company's went out of business.Again business is business and if you don't buy then company's will re think there strategy and do something different. If you care you will do whats right

6- Pengwenn steals castles from you. Yes , its true. It happens all the time when I play Carcassonne with her! I warned you!

Now that I got over my over my first blog I can start complaining on my next.

Until next time,

Drink Quality Jim Beam


  1. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

    As to your list:
    1) it's unlady like for me to curse . . . but I'll do it anyway.

    2) the harriers and copters are the only things big enough for me to see so they're the only things I can hit. I'll leave the UAVs to you.

    3) no comment

    4) for option #1: what's the name of his website? I want to see for myself ;) , #2 heaven help us all, those two are about as opposite as you can get , #3 I've got room!

    5) I'm with ya! If they charge a monthly fee to play than I want the games to be free up front.

    6) I just want to be the "Donald Trump of the Medieval Age". Besudesm doesn't a girl need lots of closet space for her clothes & shoes?

    And as long as I don't get listed on your "teeth knocked out list" I'm fine with whatever you want to say about me.

  2. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but since you say that you want to "improve (your) typing and writing skills", I thought that I should point out a consistent grammatical error. You used "there" in every instance where "their" should have been used. "There" is a location. "Their" shows ownership. Their teeth. Their games. Their strategy. It's a common mistake though as a lot of people seem to have trouble with their "there"s.
    An example of all three: "They're putting their stuff over there."

    But you're right. Your blog was fun to read. :)

  3. To Pengwenn - Thank you . I also don't ever see you being on the list. To Zenra - Thank you for the grammar insight. I have never said I am a grammar king. Science and History is for me. I married a smart woman and my past ten years of working I have had someone do all my typing. Thanks for reading and the feedback. as far as Evil Ric . . . I mean Anonymous lol.

  4. I forgot to mention that I'm totally with you on number 5, but seeing how people gobble up overpriced accessories for Microsoft's avatar scam ($5 for a virtual lightsabre?!), I'm afraid that we're going to loose that battle. :'(
